Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 7

Day 7: Mirror Effect

I realize that my oldest has been in three of the last 4 posts, but oh well! I will get the other two here sometime, I'm sure!  Today's pic was supposed to be "mirror effect", and even though I know what that means (i think) I thought this was a better idea.

Ever since this child was a day old I have heard that " She looks JUST like you"!  Our baby pics do look almost identical, and yes I agree she looks a lot like me.  I pray every day she will do better than me in all aspects of life though... well, I got a really great husband, so maybe not all, but at least as well! ;) 

I hope and pray that she is a spiritual giant compared to me, a way better mom, someday, and a better wife, and the list goes on and on.  She has a lot of her Dad's personality traits, but as any good first born she is still a people pleaser, unlike her Dad who cares less what anyone thinks of him. And 5th grade can be such a drag for that pleasing people thing!

 As we struggle along, together, through this age and all the changes and trials that come with it, I pray every day that we will only get closer and stronger in our relationship to each other and to the Lord most importantly.  I am trying to encourage her to lean on Him for everything, and He is teaching me the same lesson through her.  I love her and can hardly wait to see the little woman she is becoming... if we survive to tell about it! ;)


  1. Christa, I apologize for the sizing issue!! It looks good when I am doing it, and then when I "publish" it, it turns into this! Got it right last time... gotta go with size medium I guess :)

  2. :) it's always trial and error with this blogging world, isn't it?! looking good though!

  3. seven out of 31 days isn't bad......but i miss your posts! fill us in on your super busy fun-filled life of being a soccer mom!!
