Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but we have been a little busy! First of all I feel really bad that I haven't said anything about them leaving... but Kyle did graduate the middle of last month and yeah we had cake. Sarah, Mom, and some of Lacey's family made the trek from up north and we had a fun night eating out and then eating cake. Yeah we do a lot of eating when we all get together... don't judge us! :) Anyway the next morning they all packed up and headed back up north and took Kyle and Lacey with them. Needless to say, we miss them so much, and Sydney asks about every other day if she can go to Lacey's house, and where is Kyle?! The other two are counting down the days till we get to go to Baudette, and wondering who lives in Kyle and Lacey's house now? They don't quite get the whole aparment thing.

Then the last day of school !FINALLY! came. Us being the only public
schoolers around these parts we were, of course, the last ones done, but we are happy to say that now we have a second grader in the house. Yep,
Briann passed with flying colors, and will be in Mr. Larson's class next year. She thinks that it is funny that my first "boy" teacher's name was Mr. Larson too. And already has all of our trips to the library mapped out, cause her teacher said she
has to read this summer! The scary part is that Cody will be starting kindergarten in the fall as well. He is so excited about it, but mostly that he gets a new backpack for the occasion. :)

In between all the excitement and some (very few, but enjoyable) sunny days the kids bikes are in full swing, and the ramps
are being built every day to see who can "jump" the highest, and of course make the longest skid marks! Sydney has been feeling a little left out of the fun in her little tykes car, so
Jalon made the traditional two-year-old trip to
walmart and came home with this fancy new Dora bike for her. She was so happy and loves to push the buttons that say things and rev the "engine"! Don't let the pretty dress fool you, she will give Cody a run for his money in the jumping and skid marks department... if I don't keep an eye on her!

We also made a quick trip to the Iron Range last weekend for my cousin Stephanie's wedding. This is Sydney and her best friend, and cousin Lydia soaking in the hot tub. We drove most of the way the first night... only about four hours and stayed in Grand Rapids, MN at a really nice place with a water slide. I'm not sure who had more fun on the slide,
Jalon and I or the kids, but either way we all had smiles on our faces when we left. That was until I realized that I had forgotten some very important items at the hotel and we had checked out! After a very long, teary, and stressful afternoon we got it all figured out and enjoyed a beautiful wedding too. And then enjoyed a great night with my family and celebrated... sorta... Kyle's 22
nd birthday with Special K bars,
Gatorade and pizza! I am sure it is one of his top ten birthdays of all time!:) All in all it was a good trip and everyone was exhausted when we got home. But couldn't wait for the next trip... Cody asked when he went to bed that night if maybe when we move to a new house if it could just be a hotel? I told him it would be fine with me, I would never have to make a bed again!
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