The Sunday that Jalon and I were supposed to drive to the cities to go to Jamaica, our little musical maiden was having her biggest performance to date! The plan was to stay in town watch her musical at 4 and then head to the cities following the program. Mother nature had another idea and decided that a huge snowstorm should roll into the cities that morning and make this little mama miss the big musical! I was NOT, I repeat NOT, a happy camper about the whole deal, but B had lots and lots of family in town for the event and lots of support! Thanks again to all of you for filling our void!
She did amazing from what I have heard, and I got lots of text messages and even videos on my phone on our way to the airport. Lucky for me I saw most of the play at some of the practices they had that week before, but poor Jalon has to settle for the video, and pictures that we have. I don't have one here of her in her full costume (which was cute, adorable, and hilarious) but i will try to post one sometime soon. She was Lily, a giant talking flower in the "Land of the Giants", who's best friend is Birdie... the girl in white next to her here!
She had a lot of fun with it and can't wait for next years production... although she made me promise that we wouldn't plan a trip within two weeks of it! :)
So neat to watch the kids praying together in small groups all over the stage!
They did an amazing job on the set, and the choir teachers are fabulous with the kids! Not sure I could get that many 3rd, 4rth, and 5th graders to do that well!! Anyway, it was a really fun experience for B and for me to watch her learn and grow through all the practicing, and preforming! I can't wait for next year either now!! :)
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