Happy Birthday to
Jalon... a day late. We celebrated last night with his favorite dish, calico beans, and a good meal that went with it for the rest of us, some store bought cake... cause he likes the frosting the best, and some small gifts. The kids were super excited about it, and mad at me cause I didn't let them buy party hats and balloons for the occasion. They all got dressed up and met him at the door when he came home yelling
"Happy Birthday Daddy!" Followed shortly by Sydney saying, "
can we have your cake please"?! (
The pic was before bed so no these aren't the clothes they wore... just jammies!) They also made signs and banners and pictures and hung them up in the dining room and then asked a thousand times if I thought he would like them?! He did and they were grinning from ear to ear to hear it! The new swim trunks, movie, and CD are a far cry from the Harley Davidson Leather jacket I gave him for his birthday our first year of marriage, but I think the beans were better this year, and that is probably what counts more to him!! :) So, Happy Birthday babe, we love you so much, and hope you aren't to disappointed that there weren't any party hats! :)
happy birthday to jalon!! did he get as cute of a cake as jared?