Today we thought that the massive amounts of leaves in the backyard needed to be dealt with, so we grabbed the rakes, the garbage bags, the lawnmower, and a lot of energy! We have five BIG maple trees along the backyard, and they were stunning this fall, but they did have a lot of leaves which have been falling and blowing all over ours and the neighbors yards with all the rain and wind that we have had in the last week or so! So off we went, and soon there were big piles of wet leaves all over the yard! The pics show what happened next!
yes, even Bella got in on the action with only a little encouragement! She was crazy running all over the yard and then pouncing on the pile... and Sydney!
the three heads of my beatuiful children!
and Syd, after being pulled from the pile with only a few kisses from Bella! But per the usual she is all smiles and giggles!
these pictures are so cute, katie! i LOVE the one of Sydney and Bella. took me a second to notice that Syd was actually in the pile too!