It is spring according to the calender, but here in cold Minnesota it still feels a lot like winter. And for me this winter had been very very long! I don't know why, but it just seems to be dragging on forever, and my favorite time of the year will never get here it seems!! Regardless of the temp outside, inside my humble abode I have been thinking a lot about spring cleaning. I haven't gotten farther than thinking, but I did mop today and in the spirit of spring cleaning I had to break out my Pine-Sol!

And don't my floors look shiny? I had to take a quick picture, cause as soon as the kids or the dog or I go through they won't look like this!

So happy Spring Cleaning everyone. Or at least just mop your floors with something that smells deliciously clean, and enjoy the sunshine! :)
Normally I use my trusty environmentally friendly Norwex mop. Just a little hot water to get the pad wet, and wallah, I have a bacteria free floor! And if you have a floor that needs to be mopped as often as mine should be, you need a good mop! (notice I said should... it gets done not that often! Which is why it deserves a blog!) I love it. Only thing is that I am a smell person. You know the kind that has to smell the clean?!
So today, I broke out the Pine-Sol for some clean smell in my house! It reminds me of great memories at StoryBook in the summer, and the clean clean bathrooms and Dining Hall after a good mopping! OK so they probably weren't that clean, but they always smelled clean! I know all you die hard Norwex girls are cringing and saying that when my whole family gets ADD, cancer, and Bubonic plague I am gonna regret the Pine-Sol, but for today, well my house smells really really clean. And I LOVE it!! :)
This is the living room where all the chairs became a train for this little lady to play and sing on. We broke out the " Joyful Joyful Sunday School Songs" and danced and sang. A fun time was had by all! ;)
So happy Spring Cleaning everyone. Or at least just mop your floors with something that smells deliciously clean, and enjoy the sunshine! :)
I did that today too!! mine smelled awesome, except unlike you I don't have an awesome mop I'm on my hands and knees. Maybe a Norwex mop will go on my wish list.
ReplyDeletePinesol always reminds me of SBL too! Jenny and I were just talking about that last week! Just the smell of it brings back so many good memories.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of Pine-Sol!! So many memories! I also love that you are Spring cleaning! I am too depressed about all this snow! Cute post! :)
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh about your comment linking the smell of Pine Sol to SBL. We feel the same way! For some reason, if it smells like pine, it has to be clean. I cleaned our family room yesterday with PS and then kept walking through to sniff up memories.