Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day #2

Today was a little different than most of the days I have had of late.  Today, I took time out of the usual busy crazy running that has become our life to just sit, and enjoy my littlest.  Miss Syd was sick today... she woke up with a really high fever in the middle of the night, and it continued all day.

The best part about her being sick, other than that she felt pretty good considering how high her fever was, was that it gave me the day at home to bake cookies, clean, and most importantly snuggle and nap with my baby.  As I sat with her sprawled out on my lap, I was thinking about how fast time flies.  Seems like just last week she was a little chubby red-headed baby lying on my chest sleeping like she was today.  Now she is six years old, and covers most of me, is in Kindergarten, but still has those sweet blue eyes, and that red hair.  

So, today is

day #2 of my photo challenge and it was "B&W".  If you look on Instagram it is in B&W, but this chic can't make it be that way on here, soooo here was the pic I chose for today. Imagine it in B&W!  My baby, sleeping soundly with her bunny and blanket on the couch.

Have a good night!! Sleep good! :)


  1. what kind of phone do you have? you can get the blogger app and then just upload the pics from your phone to your blog. so if you edit it in instagram, that photo saves in your camera roll (on the iPhone anyway) and then that's the pic that you can upload to blogger.

    either way - such a cute photo of syd. can't believe how fast time flies!

  2. Thanks so much for the app!! I LOVE it and am way more excited about it than I should be! :D
